RedMagic Nova Pad NP03J Stock ROM Firmware is useful for fixing issues such as hang on Logo, frp lock, fastboot Mode, display Blank or white after flash, dead recovery, dead after flash etc. for restoring a device to its original configuration. Stock ROMs are often specific to a particular device and are not interchangeable between different devices.
- make a backup before Process
- it will erase all your data Including Internal storage
Download Links:
- Global ROM Full OTA>>Â
Flash Tools:
- QFIL/QPST:Â Download
USB Driver:
- QD Loader driver:Â Download
How to Install RedMagic Nova Pad NP03J Stock ROM Firmware
- Install QPST on your pc
- Install qualcomm driver on your pc
- Search and run QFIL on pc
- In qfil tool browse and select rawprogram xms and patch xmls from downloaded rom file
- connect device in EDL Mod, you can reboot edl by holding all three button in switched off mod >> three button + usb = edl
- Click Download button..
- Monitor flashing process on qfil screen
- Once done, disconnect and switch on device…
How to Install OTA:
- move ota file to device storage, go to software update and select local update